Shaun Jackman
- Alignment and variant calling is a pipeline of two stages
- Alignment reads FASTQ produces SAM/BAM
- Variant calling reads SAM/BAM produces VCF
Things we take for granted
- Mix and match aligners and variant callers
- Support tools (samtools) shared by everyone
- Visualization tools (IGV) shared by everyone
- Troubleshooting intermediate stages
- All possible because of SAM/BAM
- Assembly is a pipeline
Overlap, Layout, Consensus
- Common input file format (FASTQ)
- Common output file format (FASTA)
- No common intermediate file format
Deduplication of effort
- Developing a new variant caller doesn't require developing a new aligner
- Developing a new assembler shouldn't require developing a new read overlap tool
- Started as a blog post by Heng Li
- Sequence overlap graph
- Vertices (segments) are contigs
- Edges (links) are their overlaps
- Tab separated format
- Extensible (optional tagged fields)
- Intended for
- Short read assembly
- Contig overlap graph (not reads)
- CIGAR unwieldy for long read alignment
- Links represent only dove-tail overlaps
- Short and long read assembly
- Read overlap graph or contig overlap graph
- Arbitrary alignments (not just dovetail)
- Correcting reads
- Identifying repeats
- CIGAR or compact trace alignments
- Gap edges and paths for scaffolding
Exciting Possibilities
- Mixing components of assembly pipelines
- Visualization of intermediate results
aids troubleshooting
- Align reads to a pan-genome
- Graph-aware gene annotation
- Innovation in modular assembly tools
- Identify heterozygous contigs
- Identify misassembled contigs
- Modular scaffolding tools
- One tool produces gap edges
- Another tool creates scaffolds