
Correcting Misassemblies Using Linked Reads From Large Molecules

Shaun Jackman @sjackman

Lauren Coombe, Justin Chu, Rene L Warren, Benjamin P Vandervalk, Sarah Yeo, Zhuyi Xue, Hamid Mohamadi, Joerg Bohlmann, Steven JM Jones, Inanc Birol

RECOMB-Seq 2018-04-20
Funded by Genome Canada · Genome BC · NIH · NSERC
Creative Commons Attribution License

Shaun Jackman

Linked Reads

Linked reads

Tools for Linked Reads

Align linked reads
Lariat (Long Ranger) · EMA
Structural variants
Long Ranger · GROC-SVs · NAIBR · SVenX · Topsorter
Phase variants
Long Ranger
Genome sequence assembly
ARCS · Architect · Fragscaff · Scaff10x


Contigs and scaffolds come to an end due to…

  • repeats
  • sequencing gaps
  • structural variation
  • misassemblies

Misassemblies limit contiguity

particularly for highly contiguous assemblies.

Most scaffolding tools do not correct misassemblies.

Correct misassemblies
Correct misassemblies
Correct misassemblies
Correct misassemblies


  • Map reads to the assembly
  • Group reads within d bp of each other (d = 50 kbp)
  • Infer start and end coordinates of molecules
  • Construct an interval tree of the molecules
  • Each w bp region ought to be spanned by n molecules
    (w = 1 kbp, n = 20)
  • Identify regions with fewer than n spanning molecules
  • Cut sequences at regions with insufficient coverage

Tracks from top to bottom
molecule coverage, molecules, read coverage, reads
Human genome assembly (GIAB HG004 NA24143)
  • Assemble human HG004 with PE, MP, and linked reads
  • Scaffolding with ARCS improved NGA50 from 3 to 8 Mbp
  • Tigmint reduced misassemblies by 216 (27% reduction)
  • Tigmint + ARCS improved NGA50 over five-fold to 16 Mbp
Human genome assemblies (GIAB HG004 NA24143)

Note: Supernova used only linked reads, others PE+MP+LR.

Corrects and improves long read assemblies too!
Corrects and improves long read assemblies too!
Sequencing Nanopore PacBio
Assembler Canu Falcon
NGA50 before Tigmint + ARCS 5.4 Mbp 4.2 Mbp
NGA50 after Tigmint + ARCS 10.9 Mbp 12.0 Mbp
Improvement 2.0x 2.9x

Time and Memory

bwa mem Map reads to assembly
5½ hours, 17 GB RAM, 48 threads
tigmint-molecule Group reads into molecules
3¼ hours, 0.08 GB RAM, 1 thread
tigmint-cut Identify misassemblies and cut sequences
7 minutes, 3.3 GB RAM, 48 threads


Scaffolding after correcting with Tigmint yields an assembly both more correct and more contiguous.

Linked reads permit cost-effective assembly of large genomes using high-throughput sequencing.



  • SEQ-7 Tigmint: Correcting Assembly Errors Using Linked Reads From Large Molecules
  • SEQ-6 ARKS: chromosome-scale human genome scaffolding with linked read kmers
  • SEQ-10 ONTig: Contiguating Genome Assembly using Oxford Nanopore Long Reads
  • SEQ-8 Multi-Index Bloom Filters: A probabilistic data structure for sensitive multi-reference sequence classification with multiple spaced seeds

Shaun Jackman

@sjackman · github.com/sjackman · sjackman.ca

Lauren Coombe, Justin Chu, Rene L Warren, Benjamin P Vandervalk, Sarah Yeo, Zhuyi Xue, Hamid Mohamadi, Joerg Bohlmann, Steven JM Jones, Inanc Birol

Funded by Genome Canada · Genome BC · NIH · NSERC

Supplementary Slides

10x Genomics Linked Reads

10x Genomics Chromium Linked Reads http://www.10xgenomics.com/assembly/

Scatter Plot

Scatter plot of molecule start and end coordiantes

Graph of 10 kbp segments sharing barcodes

Graph of 10 kbp segments sharing barcodes