Shaun Jackman @sjackman
2014-10-09 at VanBUG, Vancouver, Canada
Genome Sciences Centre, BC Cancer Agency
Vancouver, Canada
Given the same data and code…
Given the manuscript…
Another scientist can
Reproducibility is fundamental to science
We used Linuxbrew to install the required software from Homebrew-science version 2014-08.
Best way to set back your competitors is to release your #data. That way they have to analyze their data & your data
C. Titus Brown @ctitusbrown
BOSC 2014 keynote
A History of Bioinformatics (in the Year 2039)
Tell Make how to create one type of file from another
and which files you want to create.
Make looks at which files you have
and figures out how to create the files that you want.
%.bam: %.sam
samtools view -Sb $< >$@
%.sort.bam: %.bam
samtools sort $< $*.sort
%.bam.bai: %.bam
samtools index $<
touch hello.sam
make hello.sort.bam.bai
samtools view -Sb hello.sam >hello.bam
samtools sort hello.bam hello.sort
samtools index hello.sort.bam
Markdown is a plain-text typesetting language
A header
A list:
+ This text is *italic*
+ This text is **bold**
A list:
Pandoc renders attractive documents and slides
from plain-text typesetting formats
It converts between every format known (just about)
SpeakerDeck | slideshare | figshare
GitHub | bioRxiv | arXiv
Homebrew | Linuxbrew | Homebrew-science
R | ggplot2 | RMarkdown | Pandoc
Plain Text, Papers, Pandoc
@sjackman | |
Genome Sciences Centre, BC Cancer Agency
Vancouver, Canada