Homebrewing Science
Shaun D Jackman
Reproducible Science
With the manuscript, someone can…
- Reproduce an experiment
- Generate new data
- Repeat the data analysis
- Draw the same conclusions
Repeatable Science
With the data and source code, someone can…
- Repeat the analysis
- Reproduce the same results
- The analysis is repeatable by yourself
- Hopefully repeatable by others as well!
Reproducible and Repeatable
Science is built on reproducible experiments.
Reproducible experiments requires repeatable analyses.
To Repeat an Analysis
- Requires data (Open Science)
- Requires tools (Open Source)
- Requires inexhaustible patience
to install the tools and their dependencies
Dependencies of a few bioinformatics tools
The missing package manager for Mac OS X
The Homebrew package manager for Linux
- Install software packages where you want
- Takes care of recursive dependencies
- No need for root access or sudo
- Use the same package manager on your
Mac laptop and Linux server
- Supports any Linux distribution from the last decade
- Easily install recent versions of gcc and glibc
in your home directory
- Up-to-date software, including bioinformatics
- Install precompiled binary packages or from source
- Install an entire pipeline of tools from a given date
in the past (future not yet supported)
Homebrew Science
Tons of science software for Linuxbrew and Homebrew
- Open Science and Open Source are critical components of reproducible science
- Linuxbrew streamlines the repeatable installation of software tools
brew install good-science
Thanks to all the maintainers and contributors of Homebrew, Linuxbrew and Homebrew-Science!
brew install samtools