Efficient Assembly of Large Genomes

Journal Club, 10x Genomics, Pleasanton, California

Shaun Jackman


Shaun Jackman

Computational Biology, 10x Genomics
Vancouver, Canada
@sjackman · github.com/sjackman · sjackman.ca


Dr. Shaun Jackman
UBC 2019-May-27

Efficient Assembly
of Large Genomes

  1. Introduction
  2. ABySS 2.0
  3. Tigmint
  4. UniqTag
  5. ORCA
  6. Organellar genomes of white spruce
  7. Mitochondrial genome of Sitka spruce
  8. Genome assembly of western redcedar
  9. Conclusion
BMC Bioinformatics
2018 doi.org/cwfh
ABySS 2.0
Genome Research
2017 doi.org/f9x8qp
ABySS 2.0
2019 doi.org/c4mw
Sitka Spruce Mitochondrion
2019 doi.org/c4mv
Sitka Spruce Mitochondrion
White Spruce Organelles
Genome Biology and Evolution
2016 doi.org/f8bxck
Organellar Genomes of White Spruce
2015 doi.org/c3m3


  • Five first-author (or joint) papers
  • One paper each year from 2015 through 2019
  • Collaborated on 32 papers since 2009
  • 29 papers with at least 10 citations
  • ABySS has been cited over 2,900 times!

Citations of ABySS (Google Scholar)

Short Read Genome Assembly

ABySS 1.0 (2009) was the first to assemble
a human genome from short reads (42 bp!)

ABySS 1.0 paper

ABySS 1.0 logo

  • de Bruijn graph assembler
  • Stored k-mers in a hash table
  • Distributed the hash table over many machines
  • Used MPI to aggregate sufficient memory
  • Assembles large genomes


  1. Uses lots of memory
  2. Network communication is super slow
  3. Message passing is also slow


  1. A memory-efficient data structure
    reduces memory usage
  2. Fitting entire graph in a single machine
    eliminates network communication
  3. Using shared memory (OpenMP)
    eliminates message passing (MPI)

ABySS 2.0 logo

ABySS 2.0 reduces the memory
usage of ABySS by ten fold.

ABySS 2.0 paper

Memory efficient de Bruijn graph using a Bloom filter
Memory usage is independent of k
Navigating a Bloom filter de Bruijn graph
Sequencing errors and Bloom filter false positives

Spruce genome assemblies

ABySS 1.3.5 2.0.0
Spruce species Interior Sitka
Machines 115 1
RAM (GB) 4,300 500
CPU cores 1,380 64
CPU time* 6.0 years 3.2 years

* Time of unitig assembly without scaffolding

Human: 42 Mbp NG50 with linked reads and BioNano

ABySS 2.0 Conclusions

  • ABySS 2.0 reduces memory usage by 10 fold
    from 418 GB to 34 GB for human
    from 4,300 GB to 500 GB for spruce
  • High-throughput short-read sequencing
    combined with large molecule scaffolding
    such as linked reads and optical mapping
    permits cost effective assembly of large genomes

Linked Reads

Linked reads

Contigs and scaffolds
come to an end due to…

sequencing gaps
structural variation
Elephant jigsaw puzzle
Correct misassemblies
Correct misassemblies


Jupiter plot of human HG004


Human genome assembly (GIAB HG004 NA24143)
Assembly Tools NGA50
ABySS 2.0 3 Mbp
ABySS 2.0 + ARCS 8 Mbp
ABySS 2.0 + Tigmint + ARCS 16 Mbp

Tigmint reduced misassemblies by 216 (27% reduction)

Corrects and improves long read assemblies too!
Sequencing Nanopore PacBio
Assembler Canu Falcon
NGA50 before 5.4 Mbp 4.2 Mbp
NGA50 after 10.9 Mbp 12.0 Mbp
Improvement 2.0 fold 2.9 fold

Tigmint Conclusions

Scaffolding after correcting with Tigmint yields an assembly both more correct and more contiguous

Linked reads permit cost-effective assembly of large genomes using high-throughput sequencing

Western redcedar (Thuja plicata)

Western redcedar (Thuja plicata) Range

Western Redcedar Methods

Flowchart of western redcedar methods

Conifer Assemblies

Year Species Scaffold N50
2018 Western redcedar 2,310 kbp
2017 Sugar pine2 2,510 kbp
2017 Douglas fir 341 kbp
2017 Loblolly pine2 108 kbp
2016 Sugar pine1 247 kbp
2015 Interior white spruce2 83 kbp
2015 White spruce 20 kbp
2014 Loblolly pine1 67 kbp
2013 Interior white spruce1 20 kbp
2013 Norway spruce 5 kbp

1initial assembly 2improved assembly

Efficient Assembly
of Large Genomes

  1. Introduction
  2. ABySS 2.0 (doi.org/f9x8qp)
  3. Tigmint (doi.org/cwfh)
  4. UniqTag (doi.org/c3m3)
  5. ORCA (doi.org/c4mw)
  6. Organellar genomes of white spruce (doi.org/f8bxck)
  7. Mitochondrial genome of Sitka spruce (doi.org/c4mv)
  8. Genome assembly of western redcedar
  9. Conclusion

Think of each molecule of linked reads as a long read.

Can we assemble these molecules using
an overlap-layout-consensus approach
without first assembling the reads?

Physical Map of Linked Read Molecules

Overlap Layout Consensus

  • Each barcode of linked reads is a bag of k-mers
  • Keep only the minimizers of each read for efficiency
  • Reduce a hundred k-mers per read to five minimizers
  • Discard most frequent minimizers, likely repetitive
  • Count shared minimizers per pair of barcodes

Barcode Overlap Graph

  • Each barcode is a vertex
  • Each edge is the overlap between two barcodes
  • Edge weight is number of shared minimizers
Physlr contig of the Sitka spruce plastid (120 kbp)

Separate Molecules

  • We have the barcode overlap graph
    but we want the molecule overlap graph
  • Separate each barcode into its component molecules
  • Look at the neighborhood graph of each barcode
    (vertex-induced subgraph of its immediate neighbors)
  • Each community is one molecule
Neighborhood graph of one barcode with two molecules

Overlap Layout Consensus

  • A layout is a linear ordering of molecules
  • Find a path through the molecule overlap graph
  • Solve the traveling salesman problem
  • Optimal solution is NP-hard
  • Approximate solution is good enough
  • Start with a maximum spanning tree (MST)
Maximum spanning tree of fruit fly chr4 (1.35 Mbp)

Maximum Spanning Tree (MST)

  • Compute the maximum spanning tree
  • Prune short branches of the MST
  • Assemble contigs from simple non-branching paths
  • Inspired by MSTmap used for genetic linkage maps

MSTmap: Efficient and Accurate Construction of Genetic Linkage Maps from the Minimum Spanning Tree of a Graph
Wu et. al (2018) doi.org/d4sqs8

Physlr physical map of fruit fly (138 Mbp)
Zebrafish (1.35 Gbp)

12.7 Mbp NG50, 25 chromosomes in 144 contigs
4.8 Mbp NG50 for Supernova

Human (3.09 Gbp)

40.9 Mbp NG50, 23 chromosomes in 95 contigs
38.5 Mbp NG50 for Supernova

Scaling Up to Larger Genomes

Western redcedar (12 Gbp)

Sitka spruce (20 Gbp)

Overlap Layout Consensus

  • Scaffold by mapping contigs to the physical map
  • Targeted assembly of a chromosome, or a smaller region
  • Assemble the complete genome using multiple targeted assemblies
Vancouver, Canada

Photo by Martin Krzywinski


Supplemental Slides

Google Scholar profile of Shaun Jackman

Physlr Run Time

Run time

Physlr Memory Usage

Memory usage
Physlr contig of fruit fly chr4 (1.35 Mbp)

First-author Publications

  • Largest Complete Mitochondrial Genome of a Gymnosperm, Sitka Spruce (Picea sitchensis), Indicates Complex Physical Structure
    SD Jackman, L Coombe, RL Warren, H Kirk, E Trinh, T McLeod, S Pleasance, P Pandoh, Y Zhao, RJ Coope, J Bousquet, J Bohlmann, SJM Jones, I Birol
    bioRxiv 2019
  • ORCA: A Comprehensive Bioinformatics Container Environment for Education and Research
    SD Jackman, T Mozgacheva, S Chen, B O’Huiginn, L Bailey, I Birol, SJM Jones
    Bioinformatics 2019
  • Tigmint: correcting assembly errors using linked reads from large molecules
    SD Jackman, L Coombe, J Chu, RL Warren, BP Vandervalk, …
    BMC Bioinformatics 2018
  • ABySS 2.0: resource-efficient assembly of large genomes using a Bloom filter
    SD Jackman*, BP Vandervalk*, H Mohamadi, J Chu, S Yeo, SA Hammond, …
    Genome Research 2017
  • Organellar genomes of white spruce (Picea glauca): assembly and annotation
    SD Jackman, RL Warren, EA Gibb, BP Vandervalk, H Mohamadi, J Chu, …
    Genome Biology and Evolution 2015
  • UniqTag: content-derived unique and stable identifiers for gene annotation
    SD Jackman, J Bohlmann, I Birol
    PLOS ONE 2015

Selected Publications

  • Assembly of the complete Sitka spruce chloroplast… L Coombe, RL Warren, SD Jackman, C Yang, BP Vandervalk, …, I Birol
    PloS one 2016
  • Spaced seed data structures for de novo assembly
    I Birol, J Chu, H Mohamadi, SD Jackman, K Raghavan, …, RL Warren
    International journal of genomics 2015
  • Konnector v2.0: pseudo-long reads from PE sequencing
    BP Vandervalk, C Yang, Z Xue, K Raghavan, J Chu, H Mohamadi, SD Jackman, …, I Birol
    BMC medical genomics 2015
  • Sealer: a scalable gap-closing application…
    D Paulino, RL Warren, BP Vandervalk, A Raymond, SD Jackman, I Birol
    BMC Bioinformatics 2015
  • On the representation of de Bruijn graphs
    R Chikhi, A Limasset, SD Jackman, JT Simpson, P Medvedev
    Journal of Computational Biology 2015
  • Improved white spruce (Picea glauca) genome…
    RL Warren, CI Keeling, MMS Yuen, A Raymond, GA Taylor, …, J Bohlmann
    The Plant Journal 2015
  • Assembling the 20Gb white spruce genome…
    I Birol, A Raymond, SD Jackman, S Pleasance, R Coope, …, SJM Jones
    Bioinformatics 2013

ABySS 1.0

Human Spruce
Genome size 3 Gbp 20 Gbp
RAM 418 GB 4.3 TB
CPU cores 64 1,380
Wall time 14 hours 12 days
Year 2009 & 2017 2013
Short DOI doi.org/f9x8qp doi.org/f4zzrr
Solid reads are extended using the Bloom filter de Bruijn graph to assemble unitigs
ABySS 2.0 reduces memory usage by 10 fold vs ABySS 1.0 for human genome assembly (GIAB HG004 NA24143)

Spruce genome assemblies

ABySS 1.3.5 2.0.0
Spruce species Interior Sitka
Machines 115 1
RAM (GB) 4,300 500
CPU cores 1,380 64
CPU time* (years) 6.0 3.2
Wall time* (days) 1.6 18
Year 2013 2017
Short DOI doi:f4zzrr NA

* Time of unitig assembly without scaffolding

Contiguity and correctness are comparable

Tools for Linked Reads

Align linked reads
Lariat (Long Ranger) · EMA
Structural variants
Long Ranger · GROC-SVs · NAIBR · SVenX · Topsorter
Phase variants
Long Ranger
Genome sequence assembly
ARCS · Architect · Fragscaff · Scaff10x


Tigmint Method

  • Map reads to the assembly
  • Group reads within d bp of each other (d = 50 kbp)
  • Infer start and end coordinates of molecules
  • Construct an interval tree of the molecules
  • Each w bp region ought to be spanned by n molecules
    (w = 1 kbp, n = 20)
  • Identify regions with fewer than n spanning molecules
  • Cut sequences at regions with insufficient coverage
Human genome assemblies (GIAB HG004 NA24143)

Note: Supernova used only linked reads, others PE+MP+LR.

Tigmint Time and Memory

bwa mem Map reads to assembly
5½ hours, 17 GB RAM, 48 threads
tigmint-molecule Group reads into molecules
3¼ hours, 0.08 GB RAM, 1 thread
tigmint-cut Identify misassemblies and cut sequences
7 minutes, 3.3 GB RAM, 48 threads

Western Redcedar Assembly

  • 12.5 Gbp genome size estimated by flow cytometry
    (Hizume et al. 2001 doi.org/d89svf)
  • 9.8 Gbp genome size estimated by GenomeScope
  • 8.0 Gbp assembled in scaffolds 1 kbp or larger

GenomeScope results

Western Redcedar BUSCO

60.4% of core single-copy genes present (BUSCO)

  • 53.9% complete
  • 6.5% fragmented
  • 39.6% missing